The Fire.

I want the fire of God. I want to be consumed by His fire, His glory burning in my heart, His passion forming my thoughts and my actions.

The fire of God is missing from the church. The church has become dry and barren. If not dry, wet. A wet blanket in the midst of a world that is desperately crying out for something that works. Nothing is working in the world…

Jesus came to baptise His church with His Holy Ghost and FIRE! Jesus never wanted a lukewarm and useless body! He wants to manifest His presence. He wants us to carry His presence. He wants us to be burning ones. 

We are to have the Holy Ghost shut up in our very bones. The days of Elijah should be here. Our churches service should reflect a God that wants to move through His people and into the world. He wants His people to be effective and reaching the lost and dying ones.

Today, become that burning vessel. Become the answer to the world’s desperation. Live the Gospel. Share the Good News. Activate and use the power that lives on the inside of you.

How? Spend time with your Jesus. Let the Holy Ghost flow into your life. Be filled with Him. In your daily sing praises. Sing your heart out. Let the Spirit of God overflow you. He will light you up. Like a bonfire burn and never stop adding fuel! 

Ephesians 5:17-20

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